Saturday, May 5, 2007

John Carlton's Lesson Learned From Gary Halbert

Today I took it easy and kept things light. As I began to get back into working world mode, I realized there were a few projects I forgot about last week.

One was my weekly status report that is due every Thursday. It completely slipped my mind.

The second was a weekly newsletter that is due every Wednesday to our web site members. Again, it didn't even enter my train of thought all week.

On one hand it's good that I relaxed so much that work wasn't at the forefront of my thoughts. On the other hand, it showed me that it would be beneficial to have a back-up for me. Someone I can hand projects off to and know they are taken care of. And that's where our apprentices come in! YAY! :) So again, I see the value and importance of building a team and working together.

Other than those thoughts, I just read emails most of the day. I don't think I'm quite finished but an interesting one I thought I'd share came my way from John Carlton. He has yet another insightful blog post you can read it here.

John Carlton is a brilliant copywriter and today he shares his thoughts on what he's learned from Gary Halbert. It's one particular bit of valuable info for all copywriters: studying the human species. A topic I have always found incredibly fascinating and useful in my daily life. It's a must-have trait for anyone who is involved or interacts with people every day. And don't we all do that?!

John says much more and in a more brilliant manner than I can so I'm sharing the link with you.

Check it out here.

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